My worst pet peeves

I’m in a bad mood this morning, so I’ll be venting about the little things that frustrate me the most in this world.

Drivers who don’t use their blinkers

Using your turn signal is one of the easiest parts of driving. You can literally do it with one finger, and it helps EVERYONE around you. This small act makes the roads safer for both yourself and the drivers around you. It should become a habit as you do it for every turn you make, so forgetting is such a terrible excuse. If you fail to use your turn signal most of the time when you drive, please be better. Not just a better driver, but also a better human.

False-alarm sneezes

A sneeze puts everything on hold in your life as it builds. It can take a while sometimes, and the tingly feeling you get as it builds is dreadful. However, the sweet relief of air being ejected from your nose doesn’t always come. Sometimes it fades away, and you’re left with this near headache that makes you want to scream. This fear also arises in which you aren’t quite sure when or where this sneeze will reappear. 0/10 experience altogether, would never recommend.

People who incorrectly use “small world”

This is definitely my most niche choice that most people would consider me weird for caring about. However, the world is not small, and the phrase “small world huh” should ONLY be used when there is a coincidence big enough to make this huge world seem a bit smaller. When someone I live in the same building as, attend the same school as, and take the same bus or road to get to said school runs into me, they should NEVER, say that it’s a small world. No, the diameter of the Earth is almost 8,000 miles. Just because we happened to see each other multiple times when we both only travel within the same 10-mile area does not make this world small. Shame on you for even suggesting it. “Small world” should be reserved for the crazy stories that get read to us on Tiktok with Subway Surfers gameplay or someone baking in the background.

People who are rude to employees

Rude people suck in general, but being rude to someone who is only trying to help is such a sad thing to do. Seeing someone do this is one of the easiest ways to determine they are not someone I want to spend much time with. You should never be rude to employees, whether it’s the person waiting on you at a restaurant, someone at a store showing you where something is, or any other situation in which you interact with a person who works at a business you are a patron of. Treat them with kindness, you never know what they might be dealing with. I’ve gone to work the day I broke up with my first love, I’ve gone to work the day I failed a final exam, and I was even at work when I learned my best friend had passed away in a car accident. I can tell you with complete honesty, I was not a big help to ANY customers those days. You never know what the employee could be dealing with, so just understand they can’t always provide the A+ service we all hope to receive. This goes for people in any situation as I said, but as someone who has worked in both the retail and the service industry, I’ve seen some horrible things said and done to myself and my coworkers.


Nothing makes me wish I wasn’t human but instead was some sort of majestic bird who could live my days flying from powerline to powerline than bad traffic. But not just any traffic, no no. The worst traffic is the stop-and-go kind. It isn’t a smooth albeit slow drive, and you can’t just put the car in park and sit there for a few minutes. Instead, you sit there for a few moments, and just when you start to zone out, cars start to move. You find hope that you may make it to your destination on time, just for the cars to stop exactly 17 feet later. Enraging. While the other things on this list might annoy me, this kind of traffic is my personal hell and is the single most frustrating thing this world has to offer me. I would rather have my fingernails ripped off than deal with this traffic for more than 30ish minutes… I’m glad I don’t live in Atlanta or LA.
