Twiddling Thumbs

Written April 17th, 2023

it is an absolutely wonderful day today,

the weather is as perfect as can be,

work was pretty undemanding,

i’ve had plenty of free time,

but something is amiss.

today i learned my kindergarten teacher died,

while i’m not heartbroken or inconsolable,

this faint ounce of sadness is present,

not enough for my day to be ruined,

but enough to make it memorable.

i really can’t remember much of what she taught me,

i honestly don’t remember much from that age,

but she did teach me to twiddle my thumbs,

something i still do after all these years,

something i’ll always do.

small things can have a great impact,

i haven’t seen her in many years,

but anytime i’m bored,

i twiddle my thumbs,

and think of her.
